Exam Anxiety – Getting The Grade

Most of us feel stressed and nervous about taking a test. A little nervousness can push us to be attentive and ready for the challenge. However, for some, this stress and nervousness is more intense and interferes with their performance; it can also interfere with their physical and emotional wellbeing.

Exam anxiety is the excessive worry about upcoming exams (tests). It involves a fear of being evaluated based on exam results and the consequences based on those results – a fear of failure and being judged. An overwhelming amount of pressure is being placed on academic excellence from the school, parents, friends, or even pressure a person puts on themselves. This kind of pressure leads to the notion of being perfect (perfectionist behaviors) which is unrealistic and ultimately results in the opposite of what the intention is = to succeed.

In today’s society, we focus less on the ‘learning and understanding of the material and more on ‘getting the grades’ – especially when it comes to our children (adolescents and young adults included). Grades aren’t the be all and end all in life! We went from looking at children as individuals that need to be nurtured and developed across all aspects of life to push them to grow up faster than they need to with extra pressure and stress on academic excellence.

The original purpose of the education system was to raise well-rounded individuals that will positively contribute to society, not to drill them with information until some of them burn out! Their brains are being over-stuffed with the study material that quite honestly, will be forgotten a year later. Creating environments that make academics interesting, educational and engaging allows for the child to understand and remember study material. 

Unfortunately, we can’t change the current state of the education system; at least not immediately – but what we can do is change the way we support and foster our own child’s academic identity. We need to focus on the child as a whole and encourage their emotional growth as well as their academic one. A child’s self-worth shouldn’t be based on how well they do in school but rather on their values, behaviors and relationships. We need to find a balance between information that is necessary to inspire them to learn, improve their weaknesses, fuel their strengths and their emotional resilience, personal growth, relational development.

Symptoms of Exam Anxiety can include: Ways to Manage Exam Anxiety and Panic
– Inability to make decisions – Adopt a positive can-do attitude
– Loss of confidence in self/in the information and blanking out during the exam – Set a study schedule (don’t cram the night before)
– Loss of appetite – Eat to fuel your body and mind (don’t skip meals)
– Tension headaches and stomach pains – Get enough sleep/rest (and don’t study in bed)