Home Is Where The Heart Is

They say our life’s true treasures are the memories we make- the ones where we give others and others give us joy. Our time has become the most valuable resource today, and giving time to children, parents or spouse is often overlooked. The spirit of this season becomes the saving grace, a time like none other where we feel ‘home’. A time where togetherness is cherished and gratitude is shown to the people we love.

As children we would all look forward to Decembers in Dubai. The new rides at Global Village, picnics to Hatta and the giant Christmas tree at Wafi Mall were a part of this festive season. These memories are the reservoirs that we go back to, as childhood experiences shape who we become. The quality of time and attention given to children is invaluable and more so around this time of the year.  To be nurtured in the warmth and comfort of one’s family is the right of every child, and parents of children need to acknowledge this responsibility.

Home grows to be the people you go back to rather than a specific place. Making the most for our homes unfortunately has become a skill to be relearned; a talent that came to us naturally in the years before. Being attuned to the emotional needs of the people we love prompts us to respond according to the roles we fulfil. Festivities such as New Year’s help us to build better relationships, learn about ourselves and one another, to reflect, resolve, and renew. They bring about meaningful interactions and become fine examples of family moments – they are close to the heart and transcend time.

Mother Teresa once said, “If you want to bring happiness to the world, go home and love your family”. We often belittle the effects of our lives on other people. The efforts we make to make their lives beautiful will always be remembered and appreciated. This season is one such time to hold them dear and make them feel cherished.

Hima Mammen
Counselling Psychologist